Meet the speakers
Dr Kate Compton is a generative artist, inventor, programmer and teacher. She generated planets for Spore, made Tracery which ran 20,000 community-made bots on Twitter and invented the first phone-based AR. Her longtime personal mission is to bring small playful forms of AI to poets, artists, kids and weirdos.
Dr Michael Cook is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Informatics, with his research focusing on computational creativity and applications of AI to game design and development. He earned his PhD in 2016 from Imperial College London, and currently holds a Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowship.
Dr Tommy Thompson is the founder of AI and Games, a company that provides consultancy, training, and development support services for artificial intelligence in the video games industry. He is largely known as a content creator on AI for video games, producing the AI and Games YouTube channel for over 10 years, plus a bi-weekly Substack and host of the ‘Branching Factor’ podcast. Before his work in the industry, Tommy was a university lecturer and researcher for 10 years in computer science and game development, authoring over 50 academic publications in game/AI research.